Dolphin 7.0.8

    • Funktioniert Updatepatch nicht?

      nein ich habe noch nicht großartig weiter nachgesehen.
      Ich habe lediglich die Updatedateien drübergezogen, also das normalste, was man so macht.
      Einen Server habe ich übrigens nicht, nur Webspace. Mit der .conf meinst Du wohl was für den Admin?
      Habe alles so gemacht, wie in der Updateanleitung. Nur dass danach nichts mehr geht.
      Zum Glück ist das nur auf dem Testverzeichnis passiert, werde wohl noch einmal neu installieren.
      Schöne Grüße

    • List of updates
      Important security problems were fixed
      CSS classes for BoonEx advertisement moved to CSS file to give more control for template developers
      Promo block is moved to template to give more control for template developers
      Email is now sent when member's membership is changed
      Some email templates for media modules was not showing in admin panel
      If there was no DNSBL rules, it was not possible to add any new one
      It was not possible to make link open in new window in submenu
      Don't allow admin to delete himself (voila! no suicide anymore!)
      Pages was not showing in the right order for multiple pages join form
      Audit script incorrectly displayed memory limit when memory is unlimited
      Deny by IP range was not working
      Sorting members in admin panel by last activity was not correct
      Range form field was not working correctly everywhere
      Disappeared membership levels problem
      Problem with categories in Files module
      Admin filter is now applied upon "enter" key press
      Comment editing didn't update mood, you had to reload page to see it updated
      Embedded videos could sometimes show wrong thumbnail when adding
      Some language changes
      Flash: audio player showed incorrect time when length is greater than 59:99
      Flash: guests now can now enter username, gender, age and description
      Flash: video player controls didn't automatically hidden in full-screen mode
      Forum: template reorganizing to give more control to template developers
      Forum: membership actions was not working right when actions count parameter was used
      Forum: deleted user displayed link and membership for currently logged in user
      Forum: timezone in RSS feed was different
      Mobile: profile's video and audio count was not showing and 500 != 200 error in Android app
      Mobile: number of displayed albums was limited to 10
      Mobile: videos page was opening when we click on "profile info" button
      Mobile: photo upload could potentially cause db error
      Mobile: message sent from the app had damaged new lines
      Mobile: search near me could potentially cause db error
      Mobile: not active profiles were displayed in search result


      VG ---> Biete BoonEx Accounts an! Samt Modulen, Lizenzen, etc.

      Außerdem habe ich ein Projekt zu verkaufen!!