htaccess Hilfe für eine Installation

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    • htaccess Hilfe für eine Installation

      Also jungs, hier gibt boonex Hilfestellung bei einer Installation mit htaccess:::

      Things To Know Before You start ¶

      Before you start the install, there are a few things you need to have and do.

      * Access to your web server (via shell or FTP): you should learn your shell or FTP account requisites from your hosting provider

      * Access to your MySQL Database Management System: this is usually phpMyAdmin which can be accessed via your host's Control Panel or separately from that

      * Access to your Web server Management Interface: this is usually CPanel or shell (for experienced users)

      * Your web browser of choice

      Things You Need to Do For The Installation ¶

      Begin your installation by:

      * Check to ensure that you and your web host has the minimum requirements to install and run Dolphin.

      * Download the latest release of Dolphin.

      * Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on your local hard drive.

      * Make sure you have set appropriate PHP settings for uploading media files.

      a) If PHP on your server is running in CGI mode, you need to create a php.ini file with the following contents:


      Then copy this file to every subfolder of Dolphin directory except for the following folders:

      * orca/xml/langs

      * ray/modules/*/skins

      * ray/modules/*/langs

      where * stands for every subfolder of the ray/modules folder

      b) If PHP on your server is running as Apache module, place this code in the .htaccess file which resides in the main Dolphin directory:

      php_flag register_globals Off
      php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On
      php_flag allow_url_include Off
      php_value upload_max_filesize 300M
      php_value post_max_size 300M
      php_value max_input_time 3000
      php_value max_execution_time 3000
      php_value memory_limit 128M
      php_value short_open_tag On

      * You can also change some MySQL settings to prevent connection timeouts when uploading big files: Insert the following commands

      mysql_query ("SET @@local.wait_timeout=9000;");
      mysql_query ("SET @@wait_timeout=9000;");
      mysql_query ("SET @@local.interactive_timeout=9000;");
      mysql_query ("SET @@interactive_timeout=9000;");
      mysql_query ("SET @@local.connect_timeout=9000;");
      mysql_query ("SET @@connect_timeout=9000;");

      after the line:

      @mysql_select_db($this->sDb, $this->rLink);

      in the ray/modules/global/inc/ file and after the line:

      $this->link = @mysql_pconnect( $this->host . $this->port . $this->sock, $this->user, $this->passwd );

      in the inc/ file.

      If everything is fine with the above mentioned issues let's proceed with installation.